LifeLifeMy Personal Experience With Lifewave Phototherapy Patches

Dr Carrie Rigoni - Chiropractor
3 min readJan 10, 2021

If you’re here, it’s probably because you’re searching for validation on Lifewave Patches as a therapeutic tool. This is a completely personal post on my experience with the patches, as a person with chronic health concerns, and practitioner.

My Story With Lifewave

I first heard of Lifewave Patches through Facebook, where I happened to be asking about some options for a patient with chronic pain. I had absolutely no idea what these patches were, or how they worked.

I was a complete skeptic. You mean, after all my study, and training, and hands-on therapy, all I needed to do was patch people? Seemed a bit far fetched, but there were plenty of testimonials.

I decided to find out for myself whether they were a scam or not. I was lucky enough to be sent some trial patches, and this really helped, because at this stage I was too skeptical to pay for them with my own money.

As a practitioner, I am an Applied Kinesiology Chiropractor, so I figured there has GOT to be some way I can test these patches on my patients, to see if they even do something to their physiology. I ended up testing most of them on myself.

I was surprised and thrilled at how effective Lifewave patches were.

After trialling on myself, I then trialled the patches on myself, and a small group of consenting patients.

Let me tell you, hand on my heart, every single patient I trialled a patch on had a positive change in their Applied Kinesiology findings, and more importantly in their symptoms.

I became a Lifewave convert, and now use these patches through my practice.

The success in using Lifewave patches

The success in using Lifewave patches comes from placing the right patch in the right place. I’m grateful that I have Applied Kinesiology to work through someone’s greatest needs, and that I can ‘test’ positions and combinations of patches to ensure each patient is getting the most out of them.

For me personally, Lifewave patches have given me a new lease on life. I was chronically burnt out, and no herbs, supplements, or chiropractic care was helping me feel full of vitality. These patches have given me energy I didn’t know I could ever feel, happiness, and I finally feel WELL. My cycles have regulated, my sleep is deeper, and my sugar cravings are GONE (this is unbelievable to me, ha!).

Please note, this is my personal testimonial, and I am in no way guaranteeing this result in anyone with fatigue or burn out. But if you’re scraping at the bottom of the barrel, and not sure where to turn, give these a go.

Have you tried the patches? Or are you turned off by the fact they’re an MLM product? (I kinda wish they were practitioner-only, but am overall grateful I can access them at all).



Dr Carrie Rigoni - Chiropractor

Chiropractor with a love for neurology, paediatrics & natural health. Sharing information I love.